Care is the cornerstone of our practice

Visit our Location
8425 Castleton Corner
Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46250
Give us a Call
317 - 400 - 5853
Send us a Message
Opening Hours
Mon - Friday: 9AM - 4PM

Uncover the underlying imbalances in your body through advanced diagnostic testing and personalized treatment protocols aimed at restoring optimal health from the inside out. Fuel your body for success with a program designed to support your specific health goals and enhance your overall well-being. 

Our unique partnership with HEROH Functional Institute makes this a great collaborative healing effort.

Available Testing

  • Hormone
  • MicroNutrient
  • A1c
  • Vitamin D
  • Gut Microbiome
  • Stress Hormone
  • Weight Loss Hormone
  • Blood Pressure
  • Blood Sugar
  • Athletes Program
  • Get Fit Challenge